From the second the label was just a little seed, reducing our footprint has been at the forefront of everything we developed. After unexpectedly becoming the mother of two little girls in very short time, our original founder felt that she had to up her sustainability mission and implement it into our ways of working. With no time to waste, her conviction grew stronger and has become part of our DNA:


Be sustainable, buy sustainable. We are the future.


In the summer 2023, sister-duo Laura and Lucie took over Little Hedonist and WAES Fashion (our sustainable adult fashion label). With 6 young children in tow, their goal is to enable parents to reduce the footprint from their children’s clothing. They want to inspire all to leave our planet a better and cleaner place for the future generation, starting by offering a kids clothing line that allows parents to buy less. With earth-toned colors, gender-neutral designs, and a quality to last years, parents can buy fewer, better, clothes that are easy to coordinate, use on boys and girls, and pass down to siblings, cousins, and friends! Their motto?


Buy less, buy better. Leave the planet a cleaner place.


We are running out of time, and Mother Earth and its inhabitants need our collective help today. It is our responsibility to make the world a better place for our children and beyond. Small changes in mindset turn into a big contribution towards keeping the environment and our social surroundings healthy. This conviction is in Little Hedonist’s DNA, and sustainability runs through our veins. In every department, in every step of our design and production, sustainability is considered and optimized. The packaging we use is eco-friendly (yes, even those plastic bags are eco-conscious), our cotton is certified organic, our processes use as little water as possible, and the manufacturer we employ focuses on producing smaller boutique-size quantities, focusing on quality and sustainability.

Our goal is to encourage and convince you to make sustainable choices and join us in our mindset of buying less, but better quality. We know this is an uphill battle, and we are there for it!

In order to reach our goal, we aim at producing garments in a transparent and honest way. We design organic kids and adult clothing that last longer and contribute to a better world. Because of the extra effort going into the process and the extra caring on our planet, our clothes are more expensive that most fast-fashion brands, but they are better for the planet and the health of your children.

Thanks to the quality of the organic fiber used to make our organic kids clothes, you can expect your Little Hedonist items to last through multiple kids (maybe even generations!). Start wearing little hedonist and notice that colors and shape remain, adventure after adventure, wash after wash! And so, while you may spend a little more at first, it is our goal for you to spend a LOT less in the long run! Mix and match, reuse, swap, pass down your Little Hedonist and wear them for endless play!

We believe that moving forward to a more circular economy requires integrating innovations to reduce the impact that our industry has on the world.


How do we contribute to sustainability?
We design, work, and produce under the STEp Certificate, next to our cotton's GOTS and Oeko-TEX certificates. Where GOTS and Oeko-TEX are mostly about fabrics, STEp takes it further and is a lot more demanding on sustainability. It obliges us to be sustainable and responsible across the entire production chain and every department in our company. Since we believe that children are the future, we embrace this high level of requirements and adjust our ways of working everywhere we can.

From a production standpoint, we recycle our fabrics and up-cycle them to create new items, as often as possible. Our cotton is, of course, organic and we use as many recycled materials in our fabric composition as we can. We dye our garments in the most natural way and use as little water as possible. We buy small collections and will always rather say no to stores, than end up with lots of overstock, hence many of our styles going out of stock throughout the season. Lastly, every purchase you make on any of our websites leads to new planted trees. We take our responsibility seriously wherever we can.

Lastly, with programs like the Collect for Fashion program, we encourage our community as a whole, to make a difference for the planet. Pick up some trash wherever you are, near or far, and tag us on social media for 10% OFF your next purchase. That is our promise to the planet, and thank you to you for helping the Little Hedonist family make a difference!!

So whenever possible, buy less, buy better, and leave the planet is cleaner place. Because sustainability can meet adventure, style, and comfort!

To read more about the STEp certificate click here.